Allison Milby, PhD

Associate Data Scientist

Allison Milby, MA, is an Associate Data Scientist at CRESP, working with the Delaware Department of Education. She brings over ten years of experience in education and seven years of experience in project management and mixed-methods research. She specializes in using qualitative and survey research to expand high-quality teacher training and support. She is experienced in program evaluation, instrument development, conducting interviews, leading large-scale survey administration, analysis, and reporting. Milby grew up in New Jersey and started her education career working in Philadelphia schools as a City Year Corps member. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Rutgers University and a master’s degree in education policy from the Teachers College at Columbia University.

Andrew Johnson, PhD

Associate Data Scientist

Andrew Johnson joined CRESP as an Associate Data Scientist in September 2023 and contracted out to the Delaware Department of Education through the Harvard Strategic Data Project Fellowship. In his prior role as a Data Analyst with AEM Corporation, Johnson gained experience working on Federal Department of Education longitudinal data collections, including the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) and EdFacts. Other relevant past professional experience includes stints as a contractor with the New York City Department of Education and as an Americorps Member with City Year New York. Andrew’s passion for educational equity developed from tutoring and mentoring elementary and high school students during his time in college, and he graduated with a History and International Studies double major from Johns Hopkins University in 2017. Following graduation, he worked as a paraeducator in a Middle School in New York City through City Year. Johnson completed his MA in Sociology and Education Policy from Teachers College Columbia University in 2020. His research interests include teacher leadership/mentorship programs, educator preparation, community school models, civics education and service learning, as well as high dosage tutoring programs. In his current role with the Delaware DOE, Andrew is focusing on Educator Evaluation and Mentoring/Induction and is supporting survey data collection surrounding the state’s transition to a new teacher evaluation system for SY2023-24.




Bailey Finneran

Undergrad Research Assistants


University of Delaware–Class of 2025

Lauren Bulger

Undergrad Research Assistant


University of Delaware–Class of 2025

John Oluwadero

Graduate Research Assistant


John Oluwadero, a first-year student in the Education and Social Policy program, and a graduate assistant at CRESP, working with Dr. Allison Karypn

Jill Bathon, CRA

Jill Bathon is the Assistant Director of CRESP at the University of Delaware.  She works closely with the CRESP Team to support CRESP operations.  These activities include proposal development and submission, budgeting, contract development, research project management, coordination of teams, and office operations.