Rigorous research to improve lives
The Center for Research in Education and Social Policy (CRESP) within the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Delaware conducts rigorous research, program evaluation, and policy analysis to help practitioners, policymakers, and the researchers who collaborate with them better understand critical issues in education, community health, and human services. Learn more about what we do.
Evaluation to improve implementation and assess impact
CRESP evaluators are committed to supporting faculty and staff in their research, quality improvement, and grant evaluation needs. Learn more about CRESP’s evaluation’s
CRESP launches new project centered around food and nutrition research in Delaware
The Delaware Food Research Network (DEFRN) is a collaboration of researchers, policymakers, and advocates, dedicated to many facets of improving food and nutrition for Delawareans. Understanding the impact that food and nutrition have on communities in Delaware, the DEFRN believes that through research, members have the ability to improve the related food systems both within and beyond the state’s borders. Click Click here to read more about the DEFRN project to read more about the DEFRN project and to access timely food and nutrition resources.
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