Our Healthy Block: Evaluation of a community-based healthy eating and physical activity intervention

Karen Glanz, Nicole Thomas, Allison Karpyn, Colleen Watts, Alexandra Tomlinson, Carolyn Cannuscio
November 14, 2016

Philadelphia has a high prevalence of hypertension, heart disease, diabetes and obesity. To reduce chronic disease, there is a need for targeted, innovative community-based interventions to improve the food and physical activity environments for urban residents. This case study describes the development and evaluation of a pilot program to address barriers to healthy food access and physical activity environments in a West Philadelphia neighborhood.

Keywords: Obesity; Food Environment; Community-Based Participatory Research; Urban Health; Physical Fitness; Food Preferences

Karen Glanz, Nicole Thomas, Allison Karpyn, Colleen Watts, Alexandra Tomlinson, Carolyn Cannuscio